Joan Marie Jackson, Mitchell Speight, Al Norman: Time to end ‘home equity theft’

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 01-19-2024 7:00 PM |
We would like to thank the Greenfield Recorder for including a newsworthy quote from 2023 exposing the unconstitutional, immoral actions of Greenfield in taking more than what is owed for delinquent property taxes, like other municipalities across Massachusetts, known as “home equity theft.”
Greenfield now has a new mayor and City Council. It’s time to make full restitution (for lost excess equity, interest and other allowable damages) to the plaintiffs in the federal lawsuits in which the city of Greenfield is the defendant.
Thanks to your timely reporting. Readers of the Recorder, locally and nationally, have become educated and informed of this unfair practice.
Let’s end “home equity theft.”
Joan Marie Jackson, Mitchell Speight, Al Norman