Where we can go without fossil fuels

Published: 03-21-2023 6:05 PM

Regarding the letter “Where would we be without fossil fuels?” [Recorder, March 14]: Without a doubt, fossil fuels have led to great advances in industry and our lifestyles.

But why stop there? Wind and solar energy are less expensive than fossil fuels and don’t release carbon into our atmosphere.

We have overdone fossil fuels and are paying the price: Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere last for hundreds of years and create a blanket around our planet, allowing solar energy in but blocking the release of heat. The added heat is wreaking havoc with our “Goldilocks” climate.

With human intelligence and available technology, it’s possible to transition to renewable energy. Getting out of the rut and making progress will result in a more habitable climate, with added benefits of improved health, a more sustainable economy and fewer displaced people.

Marjorie Lee

