Elizabeth G. Fisk: Wedegartner shows leadership

Lum3n/via Pexels

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 10-25-2023 7:04 PM

We already have the right person for the job. I work in marketing, and the most frustrating thing to hear from a client is “this really worked, but we’re going to try something different.” Change for change’s sake is not the way to choose the leader of our city.

Mayor Roxann Wedegartner has kept her promises under unimaginable circumstances. She does not take any part of her job lightly and understands that as often as not, the right choice may not be the popular choice — and she has never shied away from the right choice.

I have seen a lot of “feel-good” generalizations coming from her opponent, but no concrete plans. This shouldn’t be a surprise as in her time as a city councilor, her opponent has not offered a single concrete proposal in the form of official city policy to improve Greenfield.

We can all point our fingers at problems, but leadership is finding solutions and moving forward. Leadership Mayor Wedegartner has shown for the past four years and with our votes will continue to show for the next four. Please join me in casting your vote to reelect Mayor Roxann Wedegartner on Nov. 7.

Elizabeth G. Fisk
