Carol Crafts: Lights of Mount Sugarloaf a volunteer effort

The holiday lights atop Mount Sugarloaf in South Deerfield, a 75-year tradition, are seen from Whately.

The holiday lights atop Mount Sugarloaf in South Deerfield, a 75-year tradition, are seen from Whately. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Published: 01-02-2024 4:31 PM

Modified: 01-02-2024 5:30 PM

As I read the recent article regarding the tree atop Mount Sugarloaf, I thought of the countless years I enjoyed seeing it lit and never gave a thought as to who was responsible for it being there [“Mt. Sugarloaf’s holiday lights a community treasure; help needed to keep 75-year tradition alive,” Dec. 8]. 

Now I know that anonymous persons have been volunteering their time and effort to see it done.

As it is becoming costly to replace bulbs and wires, these dedicated people are asking for our help by sending a small donation so this tradition will continue.

Please do not let the lights grow dark. Send your contribution to: Robert Schmitt, 70 Sugarfloaf St., South Deerfield, MA 01375. 

Carol Crafts
