‘Angry’ columnist luckier than he knows

Published: 06-06-2023 5:21 PM

The angry man is at it once again: bashing America for its many shortcomings and criminal past (“The great far-right whitewash of history,” May 18).

Carl Doerner has a corner on the market when it comes to tearing America down, but he never seems able — or willing — to point to another regime or form of government that he would replace our democracy with. It’s embarrassing to read Mr. Doerner’s diatribes against America month after month in the Greenfield Recorder. This speaks volumes of the political leanings of the Recorder’s Editorial Board because seldom does one read a contrary opinion.

It would be interesting to learn of Mr. Doerner’s personal and professional history — of his life in this or other countries. Why has he chosen to remain in this country knowing so well of its crimes and acts of immorality? Why would a man of conscience, which Carl clearly is, live under the umbrella of such a treacherous, cut-throat regime as that of America?

Is there anything about America that you are thankful for? How about the freedom — the platform — that allows you to bad-mouth the country you write your unappreciative columns under?

You’re really a lucky old man whether you know it or not. I once thought age brought wisdom, but your example has taught me otherwise. Thanks for a tiny piece of my education.

Brad Brigham



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