Real Estate Transactions: Sept. 6, 2024



Published: 09-05-2024 9:38 AM


1625 Cape St. $100,000. B: Claire Miraglia. S: Doc Barbeaux Estate and Melissa Jackson-Nieves.

537 West Road. $643,000. B: Alan Ross and Janice Domple. S: Dennis A. Nolan Investment Trust and Lauren A. Mills.


13 Charles Place. $325,000. B: David G. Thibert and Charlene M. Thibert. S: Matthew C. Infantino.

706 Conant Road. $440,000. B: Paul Ljubicic and Tracy Ljubicic. S: David S. Destefano.

272 High Knob Road. $500,000. B: Paul Harvey and Sam Harvey. S: Irvin Hartin and Brian R. Hartin.

918 New Sherborn Road. $395,000. B: Richard Ranucci and Karen Fouche. S: Sarah J. Young Estate and Marian Rivers.


12 Wilde Road. $610,000. B: Justin von Bujdoss and Cheryl Huber. S: Godfrey Investment Trust and James T. Godfrey.


7 Myrtle St. $385,000. B: Ellen D. Cookson. S: Alex K. Phakos and Lisa M. Minter.

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42 Rockland Road. $335,000. B: Wende Mueller. S: Joanne P. Parsons Estate and Timothy E. Parsons.

37 Silvio O. Conte Drive. $649,000. B: Breakaway Real Estate LLC. S: John T. Koehler Jr.

336 Wells St. $255,000. B: Alexander P. Morin and Nicholas P. Morin. S: George R. Marchacos and Nancy J. Marchacos.


9 Depot St. $99,000. B: Cynthia Bimmler. S: Terri Pike.


11 Montague St. $491,000. B: Shiran Neumann. S: Quentin K. Reynolds and Margaux A. Reckard.


78 North Main St. $375,000. B: Graham L. Hsu and Jenna L. Hsu. S: Ryan D. Greeley.


44 Pentecost Road. $327,500. B: Kelsey O’Brien and Christian Drew. S: Gould Family Trust and Jeannie L. Sulda.


74 Harrison Ave. $362,500. B: Carol Diesel. S: John P. Ferguson and Bernice M. Ferguson.

102 King St. $399,900. B: Sarie L. Whitehouse. S: Joshua J. Tyler.

371 Walnut Hill Road. $490,000. B: Olga Realty Trust and Leo G. Cakounes. S: Dennis F. Bramhall and Linda J. Bramhall.


30 Mystery Lane. $385,000. B: Christian Santiago and Courtney Santiago. S: Paul Ljubicic and Tracy Ljubicic.


359 Main St. $160,000. B: Kurt E. Damkoehler. S: Deerfield Ave. Realty Inc.

286 Patten Road. $750,000. B: Jeremy Kingsbury and Sara Kingsbury. S: Edward W. Blatchford Investment Trust and Claire H. Blatchford.

77 Reynolds Road. $460,500. B: Carmen L. Bassett. S: Jeremy Kingsbury and Sara Kingsbury.


366 Pelham Hill Road. $593,000. B: Michael Lennon and Megan W. Lennon. S: Kerry L. Blanchard.


332 South Silver Lane. $469,000. B: Rebecca Bleecher and David Letourneau. S: Kipa Realty Inc.


59 Gate Lane. $160,000. B: Hollows Keep Trust and Cynthia A. Butler. S: Stephen A. Geosits.