Lynne Page: Neighbors a lifeline

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 09-26-2024 5:19 PM

When my beloved husband, Rolley, died in 2019, I was devastated. However, a circle of neighbors embraced me and kept me from feeling alone. They sent cards, called, took me out to lunch, invited me to activities, and even cleared my driveway after a snowstorm.

Then COVID-19 struck, threatening to isolate me. My neighbors didn’t allow that. Amy and Doug invited me to join their “pod,” so I could continue to enjoy their company and small family gatherings. It was a lifeline.

I feel so blessed to have such kind, caring neighbors.

Lynne Page


Editor’s note: The Recorder is publishing short essays over the next several weeks to mark National Good Neighbor Day on Sept. 28. Have a story about good neighbors in your lives? Send your submission of 500 words or less to