Trouble Mandeson: Project 2025 an ‘insidious plan’

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 07-19-2024 1:18 PM

I have one thing to say about recent column writer Brian Cooper’s concern over Republicans gaining the presidency: PROJECT 2025, an insidious plan by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that would like to roll back protections for all Americans, gut social programs, demonize and criminalize women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and the disabled, and force us into living as a Christian nation. If you don’t believe me, please visit and get informed. Reading Cooper’s words [“Fearful of autocracy? We are well protected,” Recorder, July 18] terrified me because I know there are so many who are unaware of this insidious plan. Please educate yourself, your family, friends, neighbors and community and help put a stop to this terrifying future for America. Trump doesn’t work alone and there are many behind the scenes just waiting to dismantle our freedoms. One such group fighting against this sinister plan is We’re fighting for our lives.

Trouble Mandeson


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